Recientemente Baud has become part of aebrand, Spanish Association of Branding Companies, the only Spanish body made up of the most important agencies and consultancies in the country in charge of promoting, disseminating and protecting the Branding professional practice as a relevant, necessary and effective management tool for companies, institutions, territories and governments.
The end of this association is set at 6 points:
1. represent and defend the interests of the branding industry in Spain and become a reference association in the sector.
2. use all its media and forums to inform, promote, defend and disseminate the advantages of branding and the role of the brander as a driver of profitability, innovation and progress.
3. Promote standards of excellence in the branding industry and require the associated companies to behave ethically in professional practice, based on our values and codes.
4. Offer a space to branding companies where they can pool all the accumulated experience from which to extract guidance, information, reflection, assistance and guidance.
5. Explore current affairs and social and economic changes to address their impact on the field of branding.
6. support any action that favors the development and prestige of the Spanish brand and branding.
As part of this association, Baud becomes one of the 23 leading Spanish branding consultancies in the sector.
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