
Looking to the future to create value, today

We publish content of interest to the sectors we work with. We combine research, knowledge and vision with the personal touch of each team member.

Interview with Álvaro Cambra and Albert Nasarre, Cyrclo

By Baud Team

We still remember when this project came to Baud. So, it was a great idea that was beginning to take its first steps towards becoming a reality. Today, Cyrclo is a restaurant which healthy and Mediterranean gastronomic proposal is not only conquering palates, but also, thanks to its efforts, it is managing to find a place in the minds and hearts of many consumers.

Interview with Rafael Martínez-Avial, Tíanimal

By Baud Team

In the framework of Interviews with Clients and Friends of Baud, from which we try to contribute to giving a voice to those who tell us the most interesting and current things, today we interview Rafael Martínez-Avial, CEO of Trendenimal.

Interview with David Carrero, Stackscale

By Baud Team

Many of Baud's customers and friends are carrying out commendable initiatives. And we wanted to help to give them a little more voice to continue contributing interesting and constructive stories to the global conversation.

Data For Hope Contributors

Per baud

We collaborate with our partner Cloud District and other entities such as RTVE, EFE or AEMET in Data For Hope, an event and it is a challenge. On Wednesday, April 15, we will bring together 60 entrepreneurs from the Spanish and global ecosystem together with experts and researchers from the CSIC and the Spanish Ministry of Health to work together on 3 challenges that can help us generate hope in this crisis:

The fascinating world of the everyday life

By Silvia De Diego

There are situations that move us to develop skills that we did not know we had. Skills dormant from the restraint we submit to as adults, or simply from their lack of use.

Building future from home

By Clara López

We are going to do the quarantine week and we begin to react on the strange and very serious situation that we are experiencing. A situation that, from our point of view, is not going to be a simple stoppage, but a before and after with consequences, some unfortunately, immensely sad.