By Andrea Montes, member of the Baud team.
When something unexpected happens we react by trying to understand it from our most rational side. We look for data, reports and references that support our understanding. We navigate non-stop between figures and words that fill our heads, generating in us a certain sense of knowledge. However, one of the direct consequences of the abundance of information is misinformation.
It is then that our ability to think objectively and rigorously begins to block and our mind becomes an increasingly enraged sea of doubts.
Being able to face the unusual with prospects for success is not a mathematical problem. It is largely a question of attitude.
Each person, from their own little world, can choose to better live everything that happens to them through three principles that have the power to transform us from the inside out.
- Focused emotionality. Instead of letting ourselves be carried away by the torrent of our emotions, we bet on reflecting objectively from an appropriate emotional attitude. Stopping, feeling and thinking from the calm sheds clarity and expands our vision in the face of any setback.
- Attentive look. Anticipating future scenarios or evaluating past events takes us away from current reality and turns us into a weather vane moved by the wind. Focusing on the present moment taking into account everything that it shows us is the way to make decisions based on certainty.
- Resolute criticism. The complaint consumes us and immobilizes us, but in the face of any negative situation it is essential to maintain a demanding and critical look. It is this vision that allows us to propose real solutions that activate us, excite us and connect with our environment. Avoiding individual tension is only possible from empathy and the hope of finding a shared solution.
These attitudes are translated into tangible changes that humanize, relativize and positivize any conflict situation.
And, actually, the best thing about these small transformations is that they bring us closer to ourselves, engage us with others, and exponentially multiply the seed of change.