Trends marking the Health sector

By Silvia de Diego and Alba Torres, members of the Baud team.

The fact that 'Health is the most important' It is a saying that we have in mind since we are little, but that little would we have imagined that it would become an essential part of our mindset before reaching middle age.

Covid-19 has brought us some learnings and, when all this ends, beyond the expected scenarios with possible hyperregulations and recentralizations of some services, the conception and role of health for baby boomers, millennials or centennials will be something else.

In this context, it is expected that three major trends will consolidate in the coming years, shaping an evolved sector, with models that will seek long-term relationship and fluidity in the interaction between the client or patient and the brand. Stronger and more relevant models that will take into account all aspects of the individual and will rely on digitization and technological innovations to achieve convenience.

1. A holistic view of healthy

The growing awareness for physical and emotional health to achieve integral well-being.

In recent years, consumption related to healthy food, the real food and currents that proclaim alternative lifestyles such as the slow life due to a growing awareness of the need to take care of ourselves and an increase in our culture of prevention.

Health care has not only penetrated the consumption of food products or specific products and services, but has also revolutionized other sectors such as cosmetics where, from their blogs and social networks, specialists in dermatology, pharmacy and chemistry , they become the best able to influence with their science-based cosmetic advice. The so-called skintellectuals.

Beyond physical health, in 2020, Google searches related to mental health have multiplied. During the first 58 days of the pandemic, there were an estimated 3,4 million searches related to anxiety in the US and the rise of disciplines such as yoga or meditation has generated a high demand for online classes or collections for the practice of this sport increasingly widespread among fashion brands.

Most likely one of the effects of this pandemic will be the definitive break with the taboos on taking care of yourself mentally and emotionally. The search for mindfulness or mindfulness in the present moment is increasing the services that not only monitor health, but also seek to promote the psychological harmony of the user.

This growing concern for our integral health status creates great opportunities for those companies related to health and well-being willing to innovate in this area to improve the lives of people at all levels.

2. The most humane health

Beyond the CX (Customer Experience). Towards the HX (Human Experience).

The nature of the relationships between patients and consumers of products and services related to health, draw experiences in which emotionality is triggered at each point of contact.

That is why the design of the experience takes on special relevance and complexity in this sector, from a more human, empathetic and affectionate perspective, connecting emotionally with people at each stage. The integration of technology as a means of contact and an informative tool, the optimization of processes, the closer and constant monitoring of the patient or the design of spaces such as waiting rooms, are just some solutions to offer a memorable and desirable experience for the user.

The objective is to mitigate emotional responses such as worry, anxiety or fear, with proposals that focus on add value and improve the user's experience, while trying to create a unique experience before, during and after the jurney.

3. Health as the perfect territory for innovation

Acceleration of digitization and technological innovations in the sector.

As has happened with other sectors, Covid-19 has caused the acceleration of the digitization of the Health sector.

On the horizon of this digital revolution, we observe the improvement of access to our health data, tests or evolution, the use of Big data to transform medical care, Artificial Intelligence to improve follow-up, loyalty and the adherence of new services to each client, and the diagnosis or constant monitoring of our health with wearables of all kinds.

On the other hand, the online purchase of health-related products is consolidated. The initial mistrust that existed for the acquisition of these products online is disappearing and consumers increasingly resort to this method of purchase (in 2019, sales of pharmaceutical products soared 54%).

These innovations offer the consumer and the patient more personalization and convenience of the services, however they pose a complex challenge when it comes to the treatment of sensitive data..

We live in the most emotional era of the health sector, with a consumer or patient definitely located at the center, where brands must refocus their discourses and adapt to new models to achieve that connection that transcends health and excites and comforts.


Sources: HealthcareTransformers 2020, Opinno 2020 `10 Trends PostCovid Report ́, Deloitte 2019` Global Healthcare Outlook ́, IPMark 2020, Voz Populi 2020, Diario Farma 2017, La Vanguardia 2018, ABC 2029, Retina El País 2020, Modern Dental Network 2020.

Image by Scott Broome.